uts cloud
Product Tracking System (UTS)

You can perform notification processes on the UTS portal through the DataStil UTS system, integrated with your commercial system.

 drug tracking system cloud
Drug Tracking System (ITS)

You can manage all notification processes for drugs produced or imported through the Drug Tracking System.

einvoice earchive cloud
e-Invoice & e-Archive Module

Manage your e-Invoice processes seamlessly integrated with your commercial system using the e-Invoice & e-Archive Module.

medula entegrasyonu cloud
Medula Management System

With the StilMedula system fully integrated with the Medsahis System, you can quickly enter records for your patients.

warehouse shipment module cloud
Warehouse Shipment Module

Warehouse Shipment Module allows you to track warehouse inventory and make notifications for ITS and UTS.

drug tracking system sample cloud
Drug Tracking System (ITS) Sample Solution

Pharmaceutical representatives are provided with the capability to make ITS notifications for medications.

udi cloud
UDI/Barcode Labeling Software

You can perform label printing in compliance with UDI standards.

eudamed cloud
EUDAMED Management and Tracking System

With the EUDAMED Management and Tracking System, you can manage your EUDAMED processes.

custom solutions cloud
Custom Software Solutions

DataStil Software, with its expert team, provides solutions for your company's software needs in the required technological infrastructure.


Product Tracking System (UTS)

With the Product Tracking System developed in collaboration by the Ministry of Health, TITCK, and TUBITAK BILGEM, you can manage all your notification processes using the Product Tracking System Notification and Tracking software (StilUTS) that is fully integrated with it. StilUTS can work independently or be integrated with ERP systems.
Demo Request

Drug Tracking System

DataStil Drug Tracking System, fully integrated with the Drug Tracking System (ITS) developed by the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TITCK), allows you to manage all your notification processes independently or seamlessly integrated with over 30 ERP systems.
Demo Request

Innovative and Technological Solutions.

DataStil Software analyzes your needs and provides you with technological solutions. Our main goal is to contribute to the sustainable success of our customers. Contact us to get information about the most suitable solution for you.


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