Terms of Use

Terms of Use

1. www.datastil.com: It is a website owned by Datastil Teknoloji ÇözUmleri Bilişim Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. (“Datastil”) where corporate information related to Datastil is provided (“Site”). Please read the following terms and conditions. Your access to the Site is subject to the legal conditions specified below between you and Datastil.

2. Terms of Use: By using this Site, you are deemed to have gained the right to access, use, and receive commercial communications, commercial electronic messages, specific interfaces, and functionalities offered through this Site or through any other related sites, if applicable, from the moment you start using the Site.

i. By entering and using this site, you are deemed to have read and accepted the terms and conditions of use. No separate “declaration of acceptance” in any form is required for this purpose.

ii. By becoming a member or selecting the “accept and confirm” steps where required, you are deemed to have accepted the terms of use stated here.

iii. If you believe that you cannot fulfill the obligations stipulated in the terms of use or meet the requirements for consent/permission, please refrain from using this site. Additionally, if you are not of the required age for the validity of your consent or if you have any legal restrictions, please refrain from using this site as your consent will not have any legal validity.

3. Tracking/Changes to the Terms of Use:

Datastil constantly strives to provide the best possible service to its users (the term user is used as a general term referring to anyone accessing the site, including members). In order to achieve this, the site is continuously renewed and updated.

Due to innovations and updates, changes may occur in the information and content provided.

Datastil reserves the right to make changes to the terms of use or introduce new/additional conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes made to the necessary terms of use will be presented on the website and will take effect on the date of publication. Subsequent use of the website after such changes will imply acceptance of the modifications.

4. Use of the Website and Content:

i.The content on the website may include, but is not limited to, logos, trademarks, promotional materials, data files, written text, information, news, opinions, recommendations, advertisements, announcements, audio, music, videos, photographs, visuals, software, and similar content (“Website Content”). Some of the Website Content is directly provided and published by Datastil, while others may be obtained from other sources.

ii.Datastil does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the information, communications, commercial electronic messages, or other websites linked or provided through the website. Datastil does not assume any legal responsibility in relation to such third-party websites. Users are responsible for complying with the terms of use, privacy policies, and other notices of such third-party websites.

iii.The information and quotations provided on the website from third parties are for promotional purposes. Datastil and/or the owners of this content reserve the right to modify the content and service conditions without prior notice.

iv.There may be legal age restrictions regarding the use of the site. Users are required to comply with these restrictions.

v.Unless otherwise specified by Datastil, users do not have the right to sell products or services, engage in commercial advertising, make announcements, or engage in similar ventures using the site pages or site content.

vi.Datastil has the right to determine the site and site content as it wishes, and may present the site along with advertisements and promotions. Advertisements and promotions are not required to be directly related to the site. Datastil may change its advertising practices and rates at any time without prior notice.

vii.By accepting the terms of use, it is assumed that users bear the risk associated with the content they obtain through this site. viii. By accepting the terms of use and utilizing the site in any way, you acknowledge and accept responsibility for all actions you take. Regardless of the source, users have the right to engage or not engage in any communication or interaction based on the site content or through the site. The legal consequences of such decisions are solely the responsibility of the user. Datastil does not assume any liability in this regard.

ix. Datastil shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to material, moral, legal, or financial losses, or loss of profits, arising from the use of the content and services provided through the site, including their use in erroneous, unlawful, or illegal activities. Datastil does not guarantee the accuracy and adequacy of any opinions, information, evaluations, comments, statistics, or other forms and values found in the accessed resources through the site. Datastil shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the accessed resources, disruptions, delays, deficiencies, inaccuracies, or termination of data transmission, or for any direct and/or indirect damages, loss of profits, moral damages, or damages incurred by third parties resulting from the use of the accessed information. Datastil reserves the right to suspend, cancel, modify, and/or remove the data flow without prior notice.

5. User Content

i.The user is solely responsible for any actions and activities related to the (“User Content”), including but not limited to any information, written text, opinions, visuals, photographs, links, and similar content submitted, disclosed, or entered on the site. This includes the responsibility for any damages, losses, or liabilities, including those suffered by Datastil or third parties. Without any obligation in this regard, Datastil reserves the right to pre-screen, review, remove from publication, or block access to the User Content submitted or posted by users, either in whole or in part.

ii.The user agrees and undertakes not to derive any profit or engage in commercial activities through the User Content they submit.

iii.It is understood that any User Content submitted, transmitted, used, created, or shared by users on the site, including any content shared with third parties through the Site, does not possess a confidential nature and does not include any intellectual property, copyright, or license rights. When users create any content that is believed to be confidential or protected by intellectual property rights, and add it to their account, it is assumed that this content does not contain any “legal flaw” and that users have the right to publish such content digitally. Otherwise, all responsibility lies with the user.

iv.The user acknowledges and agrees that any User Content uploaded or shared on the site may be used by Datastil and/or other users without any indication of ownership or disclosure of the origin, in a manner determined by Datastil, which may include promotion, inclusion of such content within Datastil or similar content, and can be shared with third parties or uploaded to other websites, and links can be provided. The user also acknowledges that User Content may be viewed by third parties without requiring membership. Datastil reserves the right to commercialize User Content and generate revenue from it in any way. The user acknowledges and declares that they grant unconditional permission for Datastil to use their User Content.

6. No Warranty:

This site is provided to users as is, without any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It does not provide any specific or general warranties to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Datastil does not guarantee the security and accuracy of the functions and content on this site, the correction of any defects, or the absence of viruses or other harmful content in the server used to provide the site or in any third-party websites/subsites or links associated with the site.

Datastil does not provide any explicit or implicit commitment that the site and its content will meet all expectations, purposes, and specific needs, or that they will be uninterrupted and of sufficient quality. Datastil assumes no responsibility towards members or users for damages resulting from the site or its content, including consequential losses or indirect damages such as loss of profit. Datastil reserves the right to terminate or close the site partially or completely without prior notice, to partially or completely change all content, visual design, and similar elements, to render them unusable, or to make them chargeable.

7. Alt and Top Links: This site may contain links to subpages and external sites operated by third parties, which are not owned or controlled by Datastil. Datastil does not guarantee or provide any specific commitment regarding the content, suitability, security, privacy policies, or continuous availability of these linked sites. Datastil cannot be held responsible for the personal data provided on these sites, the content and services obtained from them, or the privacy policies and practices of these sites.

8. Membership Terms:

 Registration: Datastil may require membership/registration for the use of certain sections, and it reserves the right to organize different membership categories and modify existing categories. During the registration process, certain identification and contact information may be requested.
 Username and Password: A member is given or creates a username and password.
 During the registration process, the member is responsible for providing all types of (i) identity information and (ii) contact information accurately and reliably, whether entered during registration, placed on the site, transmitted, or sent through this site. It is assumed that the identity and contact information provided for registration are up-to-date, accurate, and reliable. The member is responsible for safeguarding their username and password.
 Datastil does not accept any responsibility for the incorrect, unlawful, or unauthorized use of usernames and passwords. In cases of unauthorized and unauthorized use, the member is responsible for any damages or losses suffered by Datastil or third parties as a result of such use.
 The member is solely responsible for all actions taken through their membership account.
 Members are deemed to have accepted and warranted that any information submitted to or transmitted through this site is reliable, accurate, not misleading, does not violate the rights of third parties, is not illegal, is presented in good faith, and that they have the right to post or transmit such information.
 The member is responsible for taking necessary measures and notifying Datastil immediately upon learning of any unauthorized use or attempted seizure of their username and password.

9. Commercial Communication: Members or users; declares and accepts that electronic messages or commercial electronic messages can be sent through any electronic communication means, whether or not they have commercial nature, from websites operated by third parties that Datastil does not own and does not control the operation of, and that they have given prior permission/consent for the sending of electronic messages. The member has the right to cancel this permission/consent at any time and to reject commercial electronic messages. Rejection requests will be processed by Datastil within a maximum of 3 business days. The rejection methods will be indicated in messages where the sender is Datastil.

10. Collection of Visit Information: When the website is visited, web servers automatically start collecting information to enable communication with the visitor's computer. In addition, information such as the number of visits to the site, the sections of the site preferred by visitors, IP addresses, domain type, browser type, date and time are tracked, monitored, and stored on the website. The use of the website implies that the user grants Datastil permission to collect, process, and store the specified information.

11. Personal Data: The personal data provided/submitted by users to the website or collected automatically in accordance with these Terms of Use, either through cookies or other means, will be subject to applicable law. This information may be used, processed, stored, and shared with third parties, whether within or outside the country, for purposes such as granting access to the website, member login, ensuring website security, analyzing user habits, preferences, and choices, generating statistics, communication, marketing, making announcements, or other purposes for which the explicit consent of the user is obtained, in accordance with the legislation and the Personal Data Policy. It may also be used within the scope of advertising, marketing, notifications, and similar activities related to Datastil's field of activity. Datastil has the right to utilize site activity information, access tools, and browser information in this regard.

It is prohibited for users to collect, store, process, or use the personal data of other members and/or users through the website, as well as accessing, copying, or reproducing the Site’s database.

Users can access detailed information about their rights regarding Personal Data and its processing through the published Disclosure Text and Personal Data Policy on the website.

12. Prohibition of Interference: It is prohibited to violate or attempt to violate the security of the website. Those who engage in such violations may be subject to legal and criminal proceedings, and lawsuits may be filed against them. Any claim of violation will be investigated by Datastil, and if there is suspicion of an illegal breach, relevant legal authorities will be notified/cooperated with. In the event that the actions described in this clause are determined to have been carried out, the access of the relevant individuals and users to the website will be terminated, and their memberships, if any, will be canceled. The person or persons responsible for the violation shall be liable, in accordance with the law, for financial, legal, and criminal consequences against the affected individual(s) and/or Datastil.

13. Violation of Terms of Use: In the event of non-compliance with the “Website Terms of Use’ or attempts to violate the rules on the part of Datastil, whether the violation is fully realized or not, Datastil reserves the right (although not obligated) to suspend, terminate, or cancel the access of users to the website without prior notice, along with the right to refuse or remove existing information from the system or delete content. This also applies in cases of indirect violation or attempted violation by a third party acting on behalf of the user. The fact that Datastil does not exercise or enforce any legal rights or remedies stated herein does not imply a waiver or acceptance of the violation of Datastil's rights as specified in these Terms of Use or under the law.

14. Website Policies:

i.Criminal Acts: Users are obliged to refrain from engaging in any behavior that i) constitutes a crime both internationally and within the scope of local legislation, and ii) violates the relevant regulations and directives of the European Union.

ii.Prohibited Behaviors: Users have agreed and undertaken not to run or use software that sends a greater number of messages to the site server within a specific time period than a human's sending capacity.

15. Termination: Unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement or in the site content, the user may terminate their use of the site and, if applicable, their membership at any time without any restrictions or prior notice. If the site specifies steps to be followed for membership termination, such steps must be followed. Datastil also reserves the right to cancel, restrict, or terminate the user's membership, block their access, or terminate their use of the site without any notice in the following circumstances: (i) if the user violates the terms or policies specified here or by Datastil, (ii) if the user does not have the right to use the site due to legal restrictions, (iii) if access to the site is no longer possible due to legislation or decisions by administrative regulatory authorities, (iv) due to legal regulations or force majeure events, or (v) at the discretion of Datastil, if the site publication is suspended, discontinued, or terminated for similar reasons.

16. Records: In case of any disputes arising from the use of the website, all electronic and commercial records, including Datastil's registers and communication logs, as well as email and fax notifications sent by Datastil to users, constitute conclusive and exclusive evidence.

17. Language: In the event of any inconsistency between the Turkish version and the foreign language version of the “Terms of Use” and “Privacy and Security Terms” on the website, the Turkish version shall prevail.

18. Notification Agreement: It is accepted that email or fax notifications sent to users' contact information on the website by Datastil shall have the same legal consequences as valid notifications.

19. Applicable Laws: Turkish Republic Laws shall apply to any disputes arising from the use of the website. Users residing outside the Turkish Republic and accessing the website from outside the Turkish Republic also acknowledge and agree that Turkish Republic laws shall be applicable to any disputes arising from the use of the website, and they waive any rights arising from applicable regulations of any other country.

20. Competent Courts and Execution Offices: Izmir (Urla) Courts and Execution Offices shall have jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising from the Site and the terms of use.

21. Information and Communication: For any questions regarding the terms of use of the website www.datastil.com, you can obtain further information by emailing info@datastil.com